Link Search Menu Expand Document


BottomNavigationView is used in Samsung apps to display bottom actions during an event or as a navigation bar for apps with multiple pages (see Samsung Health, Game Launcher…). It differs from Google’s one by introducing a new theme and new features.

This documentation page provides only the additional features, for a complete documentation of this component please take a look at:

We also suggest you to read Samsung’s One UI design guidelines before you implement this in your app:


  • Widget.Design.BottomNavigationView

  • Widget.Design.Light.BottomNavigationView

  • Widget.Design.BottomNavigationView.Text

  • Widget.Design.Light.BottomNavigationView.Text

Avoid using “Widget.MaterialComponents.*” styles.

XML attributes

  • Sets item view layout type.

  • Sets text-specific styling for the item text label.



    Default item view type.


    Label-only item view type.


  • Set item view layout type.
public void seslSetViewType(int viewType)
  • Deprecated. Set whether or not the item layout has an icon.
public void seslSetHasIcon(boolean hasIcon)
  • Get if the Overflow menu button is available.
public boolean seslHasOverflowButton()
  • Show the Overflow menu popup if available.
public void seslShowOverflowMenu()
  • Get if the Overflow menu popup is showing.
public boolean seslIsOverflowShowing()
  • Hide the Overflow menu popup.
public void seslHideOverflowMenu()
  • Get the current Overflow menu instance.
public MenuBuilder seslGetOverflowMenu()
  • Show the group divider in the Overflow menu.

public void seslSetGroupDividerEnabled(boolean enabled)
public void seslSetLabelTextAppearance(@StyleRes int textAppearanceRes)
  • Get the current label text appearance resource id.
public int seslGetLabelTextAppearance()
  • Animate on menu changes.

public void seslSetUpdateAnimation(boolean enabled)

Item badge

This view support the SeslMenuItem interface to show a badge with text for each MenuItem:

SeslMenuItem menuItem = (SeslMenuItem) bottomNavView.getMenu().findItem(;