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CollapsingToolbarLayout is a wrapper for Toolbar which implements a collapsing app bar. It differs from Google’s one by introducing a new theme and new features.

This documentation page provides only the additional features, for a complete documentation of this component please take a look at:

We also suggest you to read Samsung’s One UI design guidelines before you implement this in your app:


  • Widget.Design.CollapsingToolbar

  • Widget.Design.Light.CollapsingToolbar

Avoid using “Widget.MaterialComponents.*” styles.

XML attributes

  • CollapsingToolbarLayout_extendedTitleEnabled

    Sets whether this view should display its own title.

  • CollapsingToolbarLayout_extendedTitleTextAppearance

    Sets text-specific styling for the title text.

  • CollapsingToolbarLayout_extendedSubtitleTextAppearance

    Sets text-specific styling for the subtitle text.

  • CollapsingToolbarLayout_subtitle

    Sets the subtitle of this view.


  • Enable/disable the fade effect for the toolbar title.
public void seslEnableFadeToolbarTitle(boolean enabled)
  • Set the subtitle of this view.
public void seslSetSubtitle(@StringRes int resId)
public void seslSetSubtitle(CharSequence subtitle)
  • Get the subtitle of this view.
public CharSequence getSubTitle()

public void seslSetCustomTitleView(View view, LayoutParams params)
  • Set a custom subtitle view.
public void seslSetCustomSubtitle(View view)
  • Get the custom subtitle view.
public View seslGetCustomSubtitle()


This documentation page provides only the additional features, for a complete documentation of this component please take a look at Google’s official documentation.

XML attributes

  • CollapsingToolbarLayout_Layout_isCustomTitle

    Sets whether or not the view should be used as a custom title view.


  • Set whether or not the view should be used as a custom title view.
public void seslSetIsTitleCustom(Boolean isCustom)
  • Get if the view is being used as a custom title view.
public boolean seslIsTitleCustom()