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TabLayout provides a horizontal layout to display tabs, it is used by Samsung in their apps to navigate through different screens in the same Activity. It differs from Google’s one by introducing a new theme and new features.

This documentation page provides only the additional features, for a complete documentation of this component please take a look at:

We also suggest you to read Samsung’s One UI design guidelines before you implement this in your app:


  • Widget.Design.TabLayout

  • Widget.Design.TabLayout.Light

Avoid using “Widget.MaterialComponents.*” styles.

XML attributes

  • TabLayout_seslTabSubTextAppearance

    Sets text-specific styling for sub tabs secondary text.

  • TabLayout_seslTabSubTextColor

    Sets sub tabs secondary text color.

  • TabLayout_seslTabSelectedSubTextColor

    Sets sub tabs secondary text selected color.


  • Set a custom size for all the tabs.
public void seslSetTabWidth(int width)
  • Set a custom icon margin for all the tabs.
public void seslSetIconTextGap(int gap)
  • Deprecated. Set tabs text color, with an option to invalidate all the tabs.
public void seslSetTabTextColor(ColorStateList textColor, boolean updateTabView)
  • Show or hide a badge without text for the tab at the specified index.

public void seslShowDotBadge(int index, boolean show)
  • Show or hide a badge with text for the tab at the specified index.

public void seslShowBadge(int index, boolean show, String content)
public void seslShowBadge(int index, boolean show, String content, String contentDescription)
  • Set tabs badge background color.

public void seslSetBadgeColor(int color)
  • Set tabs badge text color.

public void seslSetBadgeTextColor(int color)
  • Change the view style to sub tabs.

public void seslSetSubTabStyle()
  • Set a custom height for the sub tabs indicator.
public void seslSetSubTabIndicatorHeight(int heightPixel)
  • Set sub tabs indicator background color.

public void seslSetSubTabSelectedIndicatorColor(int color)
  • Set sub tabs secondary text color.

public void seslSetTabSubTextColors(@Nullable ColorStateList color)
public void seslSetTabSubTextColors(int defaultColor, int selectedColor)
  • Get sub tabs secondary text color.
public ColorStateList seslGetTabSubTextColors()

Additional tab modes

Samsung’s TabLayout provides two additional tab modes:

  • SESL_MODE_FIXED_AUTO: similar to MODE_FIXED, will automatically switch to MODE_SCROLLABLE and resize the tabs depending its content when they won’t fit anymore in the screen.
  • SESL_MODE_WEIGHT_AUTO: always resizes the tabs depending its content, will automatically switch to MODE_SCROLLABLE when they won’t fit anymore in the screen.


A TabLayout’s Tab instance. It differs from Google one by introducing new features.

This documentation page provides only the additional features, for a complete documentation of this component please take a look at Google’s official documentation.


  • Get the secondary text of this tab.
public CharSequence seslGetSubText()
  • Set the secondary text displayed on this tab, will show up only with sub tab style.
public Tab seslSetSubText(@Nullable CharSequence text)
  • Get the title TextView of this tab.
public TextView seslGetTextView()
  • Get the secondary text TextView of this tab.
public TextView seslGetSubTextView()